One of the desires of my heart is to be a vegetarian. This desire has gotten immensely stronger within the past two years and I gave it a try in November 2011. It only lasted until January 2012. I was proud of myself for resisting meat for that long though. I don't like meat. I would eat it because it was readily available, and if I didn't a funny look would be thrown my way. During my short period of being a vegetarian, I was harassed almost every day about how I should eat meat from my parents, who are avid meat lovers. After hearing that every day for two months, I was tired of fighting, so I gave in.
I'm ready to embark on this journey again though, because frankly, I don't like eating meat. My body doesn't enjoy the consumption of meat. As a Virgo, my stomach is sensitive. One of the things it is sensitive to, is meat. Sometimes, I would get sick. Other times, I would have these episodes where I felt like was going to vomit and pass out. Needless to say, those were VERY scary and not pleasant. So, I think I'll be able to go through with my vegetarian lifestyle all the way. I'm excited about it.
My official begin date was yesterday, August 15. I'm going to chronicle my journey with you all, even the times I fall (if it comes to that). I'm an all-or-nothing type girl so I completely kicked all meat to the curb, all at once. To kick off things, I tried a new dinner idea. That's what I love about being a vegetarian, it forces me to be creative in the kitchen, even though I don't consider myself creative in that area. This dinner is probably not new, at all, but it's new to my household (unfortunately I was the only one who tried it). I made Southwest Burritos. I came up with this along the way of searching for something to cook. As the ingredients came together, it occurred to me that it was a southwest style dinner so that's what I named it.
It was simply black beans, corn, onion, bell pepper, and salsa; wrapped in a flour tortilla. Quick, easy, and delicious.
It turned out great and I utterly enjoyed them, all by myself. If you have any tips or you are a vegetarian, please share!
Rita Lynn